
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Cattleya Thospol Spot x Secret Love

Two plants in bloom now.. we can see the difference between each flowers. Smells of rose fragrant!
Deep pink color and deeper on the labellum.
One has smaller and lighter color but all giving rose scented flowers.
Please watch the video, guys.
Cattleya Thospol Spot x Secret Love

Cattleya Thospol Spot x Secret Love

Anggrek silangan antara Thospol Spot dan Secret Love ini memiliki warna bunga pink dan totol.
Pink lagi nih, gaes. Jadi temanya hari ini kita nge-pink πŸ˜€
Asik gak? Gak terlalu ya hahaha.
Aroma mawarnya kenceng, bikin video jadi seger gitu, serasa aku yang wangi..

1 comment:

  1. Warna pinknya yg pekatπŸ’žπŸ’ž❤️❤️
