
Monday, July 6, 2020

My Instagram Account


Hey Y'all.
Hope you're all in a good shape and stay healthy on this pandemic season.
I just wanna tell you that I also have this Instagram account :

where I post all of my blooming orchids. Sometimes I also do the Live Video where you can have a chat with me in real time.
I also do make Give Away, Orchid Sale, share any tips and tricks about orchids.

So here is my Instagram account look like.

Please feel free to Follow me, guys.
Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Wah..ini akun Instagram Bu Ade yg lama..banyak sekali postingan bunganya ,saya senang sekali karena bisa melihat beraneka anggrek Cattleya dan juga jenis catasetumnya..😊
