Friday, July 31, 2020

Caularthron bicornutum

A species near the Amazon river.. known as Diacrium bicornutum.
Smells of jasmine flower. Beautiful white color!

Here is the video to see more information
Caularthron bicornutum

Caularthron bicornutum

Alhamdulillah mekar bareng dua pohon. Bunga putih bersih dan wangi melati.
Pengen banget dikawinsilang dengan Cattleya dan kerabatnya..

Cattleya warscewiczii var Sanderiana

Big flowers, purple color and has yellow eyes on the lip.
Smells very fresh of rose flower.

Please watch full video here
Cattleya warscewiczii var Sanderiana

Cattleya warscewiczii var Sanderiana

Cattleya spesies bunga besar, asal dari Colombia. Ada aroma bunga mawar yang segar.
Silakan cek foto dan videonya, gaes.

Epiarthron Kevin Mark Ragbir

Soooo fragrance of jasmine flowers. It's an intergeneric cross between Caularthron bicornutum x Epidendrum stamfordianum.

Please watch the video for more info
Epiarthron Kevin Mark Ragbir

Epiarthron Kevin Mark Ragbir

Anggrek silangan intergenerik antara Caularthron bicornutum dan Epidendrum stamfordianum.
Bunga haruuuuum melati!

Cattleya Chocolate Drop 'Chiffon Yellow Crystal'

It's a cross of Cattleya guttata x aurantiaca. Usually has red color, now we have the yellow variety.

Cannot say more, please watch the video Cattleya Chocolate Drop 'Chiffon Yellow Crystal'

Cattleya Chocolate Drop 'Chiffon Yellow Crystal'

Cattleya warna kuning jreng. Permukaan bunganya waxy dan glossy alias mengkilap, gaes.
Silakan ditonton videonya ya..

Brassocattleya Star Ruby 'Xanadu'

Beautiful cross of Brassavola nodosa and Cattleya Batalinii. Where Batalinii is a cross of Cattleya bicolor x intermedia.

Here is the video for more information
Brassocattleya Star Ruby 'Xanadu'

Brassocattleya Star Ruby 'Xanadu'

Silangan antara Brassavola nodosa dan Cattleya Batalinii. Unik ya bunganya.
Ukuran lebih besar dari nodosa. Sayang tadi pagi belum ada wanginya.. smoga bsk ada ya.. aamiiin.

For sale Cattleya hybrid

For sale Cattleya hybrid

Kondisi remaja atau dewasa hasil split.
Akar sudah jalan dan tunas sudah tumbuh.

Harga rata @100rb an per pohon. Minimal pembelian 5 pot ya 🙏
Silakan via wa 0812.700.26246

1. Chialin (remaja dan dewasa)
2. Marvelous Abrar
3. Princess Naurah
4. Beautiful Kaylila
5. White Bridal Yuki (nempel di kayu)
6. Landwoods
7. Chocolate Drop
8. Chocolate Drop x Mem Crispin Rosales (remaja)
9. Hawaiian Passion Carmela
10. Rosy Jewel 'Ewa'
11. Village Chief Perfume
12. Waianae Leopard (remaja)
13. Varut Palin/Mari's Song x Varut Rithinaj/Mem Robert
14. Intermedia
15. Walkeriana x Brosa Hard Rock
16. Chantily Lace
17. Orange Nuggett x Galaxy Bell
18. Purple Ruby x Pirate King
19. Nobiles Bruno 'Big Red'
20. Tainan City x Sanyung Ruby
21. Claeseana Flamea
22. Sea Breeze (remaja)
23. Thospol Spot x Secret Love
24. Aloha Case
25. Phinyopan Boy
26. Maikai Louise
27. Digbyana x percivaliana
28. Tainan City (remaja)
29. Sergioara Yokosuka Story
30. Thong Suparn Gold

For sale Stanhopea candida

Tanaman eksotis dari Ecuador, Peru, dan sekitarnya. Bunga besar dan wangi buah melon.
Ukuran sudah 2 jengkal tangan.
Rawatan, tunas dan akar sudah keluar dari pot..

Harga pejabat ya.
Silakan via wa aja 0812.700.26246

For sale Stanhopea candida

For sale Catasetum series

For sale Catasetum series

Hasil split sudah jalan akar dan tunas.
Harga @300-@350 per pohon. Ambil smua harga beda.

Berikut namanya :
1. CrownFox Voodoo
2. FDK AfterDark 'Black Pearl'
3. Gerhard Leiste (Jumbo Pearl x pileatum)
4. FDK AfterDark 'Baker's Cheetah'
5. FDK AfterDark 'Baker's Black Hole'
6. Penang Dark Red

Silakan via wa aja 0812.700.26246

For sale Cattleya spesies dan hybrid

Kondisi dewasa hasil split atau remaja utuh.
Akar dan tunas sudah jalan. Harga @100rb min pembelian 5 pot.

Berikut namanya :
1. King of Taiwan (remaja)
2. Varut Palin/Mari's Song x Varut Rithinaj/Mem Robert
3. Intermedia
4. Intermedia Rio
5. Intermedia Punctata
6. Helen Brown x Green Fancy
7. Sophia Martin/Tricum Power Girl x self
8. Hawaiian Passion Carmela
9. Chocolate Drop
10. Rosy Jewel 'Ewa'
11. Heysong Red
12. Landwood
13. Orange Nuggett x Galaxy Bell
14. Tianmu Sesame
15. Greenwich Elmhurst
16. Marvelous Abrar
17. Beautiful Kaylila
18. Princess Naurah
19. Sea Breeze (remaja hasil split)
20. Claeseana Flamea
21. Chantili Lace
22. Chialin (remaja)
23. Young Min Orange (hasil split dewasa)
24. Nakornpatorn Silver
25. Maikai Louise
26. Thospol Spot x Secret Love
27. Almakee
28. Aloha Case 'Chinghua'
29. Purple Ruby
30. Pinyopan Boy

Boleh kirim lepas pot atau pake pot. Fast response via wa 0812.700.26246

Blooming Orchids This Morning

Some of blooming orchids in my garden.

Have posted videos of some of them. I have Lycaste Green Apple, lots of Cattleya either species and hybrids, also Dendrobium and Psychopsis orchids.

Please watch the video to see them all

Blooming orchids this morning

Biasa gaes, senin pagi sibuk packing. Alhamdulillah terima kasih atas kepercayaannya yang masih setia jadi pelanggan di Ade's Orchid.
Beberapa dari foto akan segera dikirim ke customer tercinta. Mohon ditunggu ya pak/bu 🙏

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Psychopsis Kalihi 'Green Valley' var alba/flava

It's a family of Oncidium orchid. A cross of Psychopsis kramerianum x papilio.
This alba/flava has yellow color. The flowers are similar with the butterflies.

Please check the video
Psychopsis Kalihi 'Green Valley' var alba/flava

Psychopsis Kalihi 'Green Valley' var alba/flava

Kupu-kupu berwarna kuning. Sekilas orang akan bingung melihat penampakan bunganya. Apa benar dia salah satu jenis anggrek?
Hehehe unik bener ya, gaes.

Phalaenopsis tetraspis var alba

Yay, this one is blooming!
It's an alba form of tetraspis. The scent is just awesome!

Here is the video
Phalaenopsis tetraspis var alba

Phalaenopsis tetraspis var alba

Alhamdulillah anggrek bulan ini mau berbunga dan memiliki varian warna putih alias alba.
Wangi banget, gaes! Ga nyangka bunga lumayan kecil tapi kok wanginya kenceng.